

◆ DeeeP STREAM ◆

The FG knot is the basis for the binding of braided line and leader.
Even if you can prevent the dropout, the line breaks for some reason.
We’ll share what causes knots to break and how to prevent them.

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The FG knot breaks!

Hello everyone, this is KenD.
I shared an article about the cause of FG knot slippage and how to deal with it.
And I have received more responses than expected, and we realized once again that everyone is struggling with knots of braided line.

However, among the many questions I received, one of them was, “No, it’s not slipped, but it’s broken.”
In this article, I would like to consider the reasons and solutions to this point.


Beware of the “half hitch”

If the FG knot is broken, I think that it is almost always at the end of the braided line side (see the picture below).
Let me talk about it from this premise, the cause is probably “half hitch”….
In other words, after the “braiding” & “tightening” introduced last time, there may be a problem with the half-hitch to stop the fraying of the line.

I think the general method is to half-hitch the braided line and leader together, then cut off the remaining end of the leader, and then half-hitch the braided line only further.
The method itself is exactly the same, I tie four times each if it’s an Ohdragon #1.5 or larger, and five times each if it’s a smaller thread.

It is very important not to tighten it too tightly.
This is because the main braided line is damaged when tightening, and this causes a decrease in strength.
The half-hitch is only a “fraying stopper”, so don’t get too worked up about it.

However, it should not be frayed during use, so of course, it should not be worn out.
I think the trick is to tighten it with light force, and to stop it with an “end knot” at the end.
This is a way to roll the half-hitch twice, and as long as you do this, you won’t have to sear the edges with a lighter.




Do you need a “burnt bump”?

That’s why the FG knot is broken! If you have any questions, please pay attention to the main line at the half hitch.
Finally, there was one more question, “Do I have to make a burnt bump?” The following is a brief explanation of this point.
This is a method of searing the leader end with a lighter or something to make a bump, and I feel that it certainly improves the strength of the knot.


もはやこの為に作られた!? USB電子ライターがノットの焼きコブ作りに激ピッタリな件

However, knowing this, I won’t make any burnt bump.
This is because it takes a lot of work to get the lighter out, and it’s often hard to do in the outside because of the rain and wind.
There was a time when I almost lost my mind because I burned the knot by mistake.

(©ジギング魂 If you’re going to do this, you’d be better off with a USB lighter.)

In addition, I believe that the strength of the knot itself does not have to be 100% in bass fishing.
For example, an Ohdragon #1.5 to #2.5 can afford 20lb or more, because it’s much stronger than a leader in most cases.
I think that 70-80% strength is enough for practical use, so I prioritize fast knotting and small knots over that.
I hope the above is helpful to you.

(I think it’s an effective method if you’re aiming for 100%, like offshore jigging…)


By the way, I heard that the fire knot is effective especially for thin threads, but I personally had a lot of “missing” shots, so I’ll try to practice more.

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